Hire Case Studies

Dartford Festival 2016

The Dartford Festival has been running for over 80 years and has developed from a town carnival into a much-loved FREE music and family fun weekend.

Amazon 2017

Contracted directly by the venue we provided an audio visual setup for an Amazon internal conference.

Eurogamer 2016

It's only the UK's biggest video games event!


A buzzing corner of activity at the end of the rail-track, made up of awe-inspiring installations.

Lush Creative Showcase 2016

Over two days, venture across the London landscape and leave your comfort zone behind.

Reebok 2016

M & C Saatchi contracted PF Events to transform the venue into a super
luxurious workout space for the launch of Reebok’s new trainers

Strong and Co 2016

Experiential digital launch campaign for Beano’s new online brand.

Tedex East End 2017

From the gradual and continuous development that necessitates evolution, to the abrupt and sudden change that constitutes revolution, TEDxGoodenoughCollege will explore how and why the world and its inhabitants are constantly changing, and where this may lead us.

Twitterverse 2016

Multimedia digital exhibition highlighting Twitters technology.